Mahdi Akbari
Ms Chadha
Year 7 Science Go Green Assignment

1. What is Photosynthesis?
2. What is the Equation of Photosynthesis?
3. Diagram of Photosynthesis.
4. How does Photosynthesis help Minimise the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect?
5. Conclusion.
6. Bibliography.

What is Photosynthsis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria, use the energy from sunlight to produce sugar, which cellular respiration converts into Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP, the main source of energy in a cell). The conversion of unusable sunlight energy into usable chemical energy is associated with the actions of the green pigment chlorophyll, found in the cell ‘chloroplast’. Most of the time, the photosynthetic process uses water and releases the oxygen that we absolutely must have to stay alive. Oh yes, we need the food as well. Water enters the roots and goes through the xylem to the leaves. Carbon Dioxide is needed from the air, land plants must guard against drying out so they have evolved specialised structures called stomata to allow gas enter and leave the leaf. Sunlight is needed and it also needs chlorophyll from the chloroplast to make glucose and oxygen.

What is the Equation of Photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis can be represented by the chemical equation:

                                                               LIGHT ENERGY

6CO₂                +                      6H₂O -----------------------> C₆H₁₂O₁₂                 +                      6O₂


This equation only gives a general idea what the photosynthetic process is.

·         Photosynthesis has two parts.

·         One is the light reaction. In this stage light energy is trapped and changed into chemical energy. At the same time enzymes split water into oxygen and hydrogen. Enzymes are catalysts; catalyst is something which speeds up chemical reactions.

·         The second one is the dark reaction; it is when a series of enzyme-controlled reactions in which hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide is used to form glucose (sugar).

Diagram of Photosynthesis.

How does Photosynthesis help minimise the Enhanced Greenhouse Effect?

Carbon Dioxide is the most common greenhouse gas and for photosynthesis it is vital for plants to collect Carbon Dioxide for the dark reaction to make glucose. So every time plants go through the photosynthetic process they take in Carbon Dioxide. They keep the rate of the carbon dioxide balanced. But us humans can and have made It unbalanced. They have burned forests for agriculture and housing and from burning the forests we have created more Carbon Dioxide, produced more and more Carbon Dioxide, we have deforested, nearly 4 billion trees are cut down just for paper and lots more stuff that increase Carbon Dioxide and Reduce trees and plants.


Photosynthesis is a great way of minimising the enhanced greenhouse effect. But sadly we destroy forests and cut down trees so stop deforestation and start reforestations.



Laura.H                    2001                    World of Plants                                        Usborne                    Londan
Stanley.R                 2009                    How Plants Keep the Earth Alive          Ratgers                     Piscataway

Web Pages (no author):

Photosynthesis and the Environment                N/A                accessed 11/08/11          
Photosynthesis Equation                                     N/A                accessed 11/08/11          
Paper Chase                                                           N/A                accessed 13/08/11          
Facts About Photosynthesis                                N/A                accessed 14/08/11